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Facing retirement from a career as a decorated detective, TJ Williams finds himself thrust into his worst nightmare.  While on a bust, he shoots an iconic young black man, his son's best friend, causing a community meltdown.  The question becomes, can he face his demons and find redemption?

'Living large' may be murder, but it's better than dying on the vine. To keep me from this 'action,' you'd have to "Kill Me Twice."

The clock is ticking, the days grow short, if you've been on top you want to keep rocking. "6 Weeks Alive" could be as good as it gets.

"Three for the Road"

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Souixie Walton is an Asian-Native American athlete of extraordinary ability capable of hurling a baseball at speeds in excess of 100 miles an hour.  Perhaps destined to the first female 'Major Leaguer' in history, she must first survive her desert home and the very real demons that she confronts there.  

  Translating Life Through Film and Performance 

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Ready to Go to the Next Level!?!


"Captain Science"

Kill Me Twice

In a world turned upside down, when lives are turned inside out, the only way to Live is 'in Love.' 

"Captain Science"

​​​​​We CAN take care of it all for you.

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  • Budgeting
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  • ​Director
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  • Distribution

"FOS: The Striker"

6 Weeks Alive

Press Photo Below for "Pitch Deck"

"When Summer Comes"

Film and Television Production

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"Black Poetry"

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What would happen if a S.T.E.A.M. ED shop landed in your backyard?  Would you be ready to send your children on the adventure of a lifetime in a time machine piloted by “Captain Science.”