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Copyright © 2009 - 2024 Willy-Gilly Productions, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

  Translating Life Through Film and Performance 

This 'Screengen/Igen' story of an All-American High School football phenom (TYLER MYLES) and his friends.

As the #1 rated high school quarterback in the country, he is a property of unparalleled value.

Twice ‘state champions’ in a football crazed town, he permanently disables his closest friend (GIANNI LIBERTINI) in a freak accident, which would later be identified as something that should have never happened.

So, he quits the game he loves 'forever.' In that moment, he moves from the pantheon into the pit in the eyes of his teammates and most of the town in which he lives.  With the help of his buddies and a lovable pooch named Shadow, he proves again what a real hero is.  

If you loved “Friday NIght Lights”,
If you identified with “The Outsiders” and loved “Benji”,
this is a movie for our time, you and your whole family.

Shadow Serenade

Currently in Production

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Life Happens.

Accidents Happen

Everyone is Looking for a Hero.